Research Components
Frost Boil Dynamics and Climate:
A model for differential frost heave (DFH) will be integrated witht he vegetation model (ArcVeg) and biogeochemistry to provide the quantitative link between measurable dynamic landform characteristics and ecosystem variables.
Soil and Biogeochemistry:
This component includes soil physical and geochemical analyses, as well as biogeochemical cycling investigation in frost boil ecosystems.
The studies combine field sampling and analysis, remote sensing, and experiments in order to understand and describe how patterns of vegetation relate to biogeochemical and physical patterns in frost boil systems across multiple time/space scales. It includes: analyzing the zonal and frost boil plant communities, developing the biomass/LAI/NDVI relationships, and experimental studies to alter cryoturbation regimes.
Modeling Nutrient and Vegetation Dynamics:
We will use an interannual tundra ecosystem model, ArcVeg, to examine long-term interactions of climate and ecosystem processes key to this study (vegetation patterns and carbon and nitrogen cycling).
For further information on the research components please see the Biocomplexity Project Proposal (PDF).