Howe Island
Description - Data - Site Map - Photos
Site Description:
Northeast of Prudhoe Bay oil Fields
N 70 18' 54.6", W 147 59' 37.0"
Sea level
Site Equipment/Installations:
- Climate/soil conditions monitoring station (Romanovsky) - Spring 2002
- 10x10 meter grid
- Frost heave monitoring instruments - 3 double meter bars - Spring 2002
- 50 meter transect lines - H1, H2
Data collection/products as of August 2001:
- Thaw depths every meter for August 2001
- Thaw depth map
- Aerial photography of site, grid, and transect lines
- Vegetation map, microsite map, frost boil map
- Vegetation releves of plant communities associated with frost boils
- Soil profiles characterized and samples collected for laboratory analysis
Equipment list
- Air Temperature (2m) - coming 2002
- Soil Moisture @ ------ depths - coming 2002
- Soil Temperature @ ------- depths - coming 2002
- Snow Sensor - coming 2002
- Wind Speed - coming 2002
- Grid 10x10m - 8/2001
- Transect Lines (2) = HV1, HV2 - 8/2001
- Heaveometers (2) - coming 2002