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BIOL 697: Vegetation Description and Analysis (Independent Study)
Course Information
Course Syllabus - Revised (PDF)
- Lecture 1: Introduction Community Concepts (PPT)
- Lecture 2: Vegetation Sampling (PPT)
- Lecture 3: Soil (PPT)
- Lecture 4: Gradient Analysis (PPT)
- Lecture 5: Indirect Ordination (PPT)
- Lecture 6: Indirect Ordination 2-PCA (PPT)
- Lecture 7: Ordination 4 DCA (PPT)
- Lab 1: Relevé sampling in Bicycle Bumps (PDF)
- Lab 1: Relevé data sheets (Excel)
- Lab 2: Handout AVA-AK voucher collections data entry (PDF)
- Lab 3: Soil analysis handout (PDF)
- Lab 4: Prudhoe Bay ArcSEES vegetation dataset (PPT)
- Labs 5 & 6: PC-ORD Ordination Handout (PDF)
- Lab 5: Data Files 1: Colleen & DA Walker Prudhoe spp and env data (Excel)
- Lab 5: Data Files 2: Colleen spp and env data prepared for PC-ORD (PC-ORD)
- Lab 7: Vegetation Classification Handout (PDF)
- Lab 7: Data Files: 2017 Colleen Sorted Table (Excel)
- Lab 7: Lecture Classification Overview (PPT)
- Chapter 17, Soil - Barbour, M.G., Burk, J.H. & Pitts, W.D. 1987. Terrestial Plant Ecology,
2nd Edition. Benjamin/Cummins Publishing Co., Menlo Park, CA. 634 pp.
Species ID Cards
- 1 - Trees and Tall Shrubs
- 2 - Low Shrubs
- 3 - Dwarf Shrubs
- 4 - Grasses
- 5 - Sedges and Rushes
- 6 - Forbs 1
- 7 - Forbs 2
Dr. Skip Walker
email: dawalker@alaska.edu