Curriculum Vitae

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Awards and Honors


Fulbright Scholar. Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.


Special Recognition by the University-wide Post Tenure Review Committee for strength of post-tenure file.


“Distinguished Technical Communication” award from the Society of Technical Communication’s International Competition, Seattle, WA 8-11 May 2004.


Awards for Publication Excellence. Award of Excellence, Government Publications category for the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map.


NAGC (National Association for Government Communicators), Blue Pencil Award, Second Place, Special Product category for the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map.


NAGC (National Association for Government Communicators), Blue Pencil Award, Award for Excellence, Individual Map category for the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map.


The National Academies, Board on environmental Studies and Toxicology, Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Service. Committee on Cumulative Environmental Effects of Alaskan North Slope Oil and Gas Activities (2000-2003).

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