Alaska Geobotany Center, Director
CV - Publications - Google Scholor - Contracts and Grants - Awards
Several vegetation land sensitivity mapping contracts:
Dames and Moore, 800 Cordova Street, Anchorage, Alaska
SOHIO Petroleum Company, Pouch 6-6112, Anchorage, Alaska
ARCO Oil and Gas Company, Box 360, Anchorage, Alaska
Woodward and Clyde, 4791 Business Park Boulevard, Suite 1, Anchorage, Alaska 99503
U.S. International Biological program, Tundra Biome
U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, New Hampshire. Contract No. DAC A89-1824
LGL Research Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 80607, Fairbanks, Alaska 99708: Vegetation of the Eileen West End Development ($20,000 - Co- Principal Investigator).
USGS/NASA: A Landsat land cover classification of the Sagavanirktok quadrangle ($21,582 - Principal Investigator).
U.S. Geological Survey. Sensitivity analysis of Alaskan arctic tundra ($45,299 - Co-Principal Investigator).
Environmental Systems Research Institute, New York St., Redlands, California 92373: 1:250,000 scale vegetation mapping in the Noatak and Kotzebue quadrangles ($4,995 - Principal Investigator).
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Cumulative impact maps in the Prudhoe Bay region ($49,000 - Mapping project coordinator).
U.S. Army CRREL: Editing of a summary report entitled "Disturbance and Recovery of Arctic Alaskan Terrain" ($9,962 - Principal Investigator).
Environmental Systems Research Institute: Field work for documentation and identification of vegetation in northern Alaska ($19,717 - Principal Investigator).
Department of Energy: Vegetation analysis and mapping of the R4D research site ($75,000 - (Co-principal Investigator).
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Prepare a guidance manual for use by industry and government to minimize environmental impact in planning and conducting oil and gas development in northern Alaska coastal tundra wetlands ($59,021).
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Conduct a wetlands training course at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska ($3,980 - Principal investigator).
U.S. Army CRREL: Editing a summary report on disturbance and recovery of tundra vegetation ($6,125 - Principal Investigator).
Department of Energy: Disturbance Recovery and Cumulative Impacts on Arctic Tundra: Vegetation analysis and mapping of the R4D research site ($35,000 - Co-principal investigator).
National Science Foundation: Soil and vegetation chronosequences on pingos of the central arctic coastal plain, Alaska ($157,088 - Principal Investigator).
National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Use of detrended correspondence analysis for interpreting MSS data ($30,477 - Principal Investigator).
Department of Energy: Extension of Grant listed above ($56,562 - Co-principal Investigator).
National Science Foundation: Long-Term Ecological Research in the Colorado Alpine (2 months salary).
National Science Foundation: Joint Facility for Regional Ecosystem Analysis ($500,000, equipment grant, Principal Investigator).
National Science Foundation: A workshop and demonstration of geographic information systems for the LTER network ($40,000, Co-Principal Investigator).
Department of Energy. Landscape dynamics in the Arctic Foothills: Landscape Evolution, vegetation succession on disturbances and dissolved organic carbon geochemistry along toposequences ($170,000, Principal investigator).
National Science Foundation: An LTER-GIS symposium and completion of a pilot GIS for Niwot Ridge. ($80,000, Co-principal investigator).
Department of Energy: Extension of Grant listed above ($177,000, Principal Investigator).
National Science Foundation: Niwot LTER (1.75 mo salary).
Department of Energy: Extension of Grant listed above ($168,280, Principal Investigator).
National Science Foundation: Niwot LTER (1.75 mo salary).
Department of Energy: Extension of Grant listed above ($110,000, Principal Investigator).
National Science Foundation: Niwot LTER (1.75 mo salary).
National Science Foundation: A hierarchic GIS for studies of process, pattern and scale in arctic ecosystems. ($130,000, Principal Investigator).
National Science Foundation: Equipment supplement to above grant ($67,542, Principal Investigator).
National Science Foundation: Niwot LTER (1.75 mo salary).
Department of Army: Alpine biodiversity, Ft. Richardson, Alaska. ($50,000, Co-Principal Investigator).
Department of Army: Historical biodiversity, DEW line stations, Alaska. ($50,000, Co-Principal Investigator).
National Science Foundation. A hierarchic GIS for studies of process, pattern and scale in arctic ecosystems. $599,167. Three years,. Principal investigator. 2.5 months per year.
National Science Foundation. A geobotanical atlas of the Toolik Lake/ Imnavait Creek Region. $231,476. Principal investigator. Three years, 1 month per year.
National Science Foundation (with co-funding from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service).. A workshop to develop a circumpolar arctic tundra vegetation map. $45,445. Principal investigator. One year,. 1.5 month.
National Science Foundation. Comparative responses of moist and dry arctic tundra to altered snow and temperature regimes. $668,038. Co-PI. Five years, 1 month per year.
National Science Foundation. Effects of climate change in the Colorado alpine: ecosystem response to altered snowpack and rainfall regimes. $3,540,000. Co-PI. Five years, 1.5 mo per year.
Department of Army: Alpine biodiversity, Ft. Richardson, Alaska. $55,000. Co-PI. Two years.. One month per year.
Department of Air Force: Historical biodiversity, DEW line stations, Alaska. $60,000. Co-PI. One year,. One month per year.
National Science Foundation. A workshop to develop a legend for a new vegetation map of the circumpolar arctic. $46,800. Principal investigator. One year.
Subcontract to the Arctic LTER for GIS support $15,000.
Subcontract to the Arctic LTER for GIS support $15,000.
National Science Foundation. Climate, substrate, and vegetation: distribution and causes of moist nonacidic tundra. $2,045,000. Principal investigator. Five years.
Subcontract to the Arctic LTER for GIS support $15,000 per year.
National Science Foundation, Supplement for the 1999 Canadian CAVM transect, $50,000.
National Science Foundation, Research Experience for Undergraduates, $12,000.
National Science Foundation, Research Experience for Undergraduates, $12,000.
National Science Foundation, Collaborative research: modeling the role of high latitude terrestrial ecosystems: a retrospective analysis. D. McGuire PI, D. Verbyla, and D.A. Walker Co-Pis. $803,268.
International Arctic Research Center. Cryoturbation-ecosystem interactions: Field observations to valildate a new model of forst-boil formation and its relevance to climate change and circumpolar mapping. PI with W. Krantz and V. Romanovsky. $180,000.
National Science Foundation, Biocomplexity associated with biogeochemical cycles in arctic frost-boil ecosystems, $2,725,127, five years, Principal investigator.
National Science Foundation, Supplement to NSF ATLAS award. Synthesis effort of ATLAS and ITEX. $73,179.
National Science Foundation, Supplement to NSF ATLAS award. A reconnaissance of the zonal vegetation in the Kolyma River Delta region, Yakutia, Russia, and a comparison to the Seward Peninsula and the Arctic Slope of northern Alaska, $10,000.
National Science Foundation, Research Experience for Undergraduates, $6,000.
National Science Foundation. A proposal to participate in the NASA/USRA Earth System Science Education for the 21st Century Program. Anupma Prakash PI. D.A. Walker and D. Misra Co-Pis $69,616.
National Science Foundation. Towards an arctic geographic information network: a web-based plant to planet scale geobotanical atlas centered on the Toolik Lake Field Station, Alaska. PI, $745,246.
National Science Foundation. Collaborative Research: Greening of the Arctic - Synthesis and models to examine the effects of climate, sea-ice, and terrain on circumpolar vegetation change. PI, $481,765.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Application of space-based technologies and models to address land-cover/land-use problems on the Yamal Peninsula Russia. PI $755,534.
National Science Foundation. Supplement to “A web-based plant to planet scale Toolik–Arctic Geobotanical Atlas. PI, $168,000 (awarded).
National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Adaptation to rapid land-use and climate changes on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia: Remote sensing and models for analyzing cumulative effects. PI. $949,999.
National Science Foundation. Collaborative Research: Seasonality of Circumpolar Tundra: Ocean and atmosphere controls and effects on energy and carbon budgets (co-PI with U. Bhatt at UAF, Univ. Virginia (Epstein) and U. Washington (Steele), Co PI. $349,016 (UAF portion of budget).