Workshops & Meetings

RATIC Workshop and Topical Sessions

Arctic Change 2014 in Ottawa, Ontario | 8-12 December

Workshop Agenda

Session T40: Rapid Arctic Transitions Related to Infrastructure and Climate Change (RATIC)
Rapid Arctic Transitions related to Infrastructure and Climate Change (RATIC) Workshop:
Arctic Change 2014, Ottawa, Tue Dec 9, 14:00 - 18:00

14:00-14:15: Welcome, introductions and Overview of RATIC Initiative: Skip Walker

Three case studies: Each with three 10 minute presentations + 15 minutes for discussion. Chairs of each Case Study will organize the talks to present an overview of each study, with a summary of major conclusions and where the projects are headed now.

14:15-15:00: Case Study 1: Cumulative Effects in the Prudhoe Bay Oilfield, AK (Chairs: Skip Walker and Gary Kofinas)

15:00-15:30:  Break

15:30-16:15:  Case Study 2: Russian Arctic oil and gas development and climate change interactions (Chairs:  Timo Kumpula and Marina Leibman)

16:15-17:00: Case Study 3: Canadian Arctic Development: The ADAPT and IRIS initiatives (Chairs: Warwick Vincent and Michel Allard)

      1. The Arctic Development and Adaptation on Permafrost in Transition (ADAPT) project: a science program in support of Arctic development: M. Lemay, M. Allard, and W.F. Vincent
      2. Mapping permafrost conditions for housing and community development in Inuit communities of Nunavik and Nunavut: E. L’Hérault and M. Allard
      3. ArcticNet’s IRISes over Canadian Arctic support of stakeholders and policy makers: An example from the Canadian Eastern and Central Arctic: A. Gaden and G. Stern

17:00-18:00: Round Table Discussion (including audience participation) (Chair: Skip Walker)

Panelists: Michel Allard, Marcel Bucchorn, Tracie Curry, Bruce Forbes, Emmanuel L'Hérault, Ashley Gaden, Misha Kanevskiy, Artem Khomutov, Gary Kofinas, Timo Kumpula, Marina Leibman, George Matyshak, Martha Raynolds, G. Stern, Warwick Vincent

Question 1: How do we progress toward better planning and management of Arctic infrastructure in light of concerns of the local indigenous people and the constraints imposed by ongoing rapid climate change?

Question 2: How do we develop closer exchange of cumulative-effects issues and solutions between the industry, governing agencies, and local communities?

Question 3: Can we develop a set of shared international objectives focused on developing effective means to address the key issues related to rapid transitions in Arctic social-ecological systems related to infrastructure and climate change?

Question 4: What should we present regarding the RATIC initiative at the ICARP III conference, Yohama, Japan 2015?


Get In Touch

  • Mailing Address

    Jana Peirce, Coordinator
    Alaska Geobotany Center
    Institute of Arctic Biology
    University of Alaska
    311 Irving
    P.O. Box 757000
    Fairbanks, Alaska
    99775 USA
  • Phone

    +1 907 474-2459